My Beautiful Life

Thursday, 13 May 2010

lunch @ McD..

0300 hrs i was in McD gdg..of coz enjoyin my fav. meal McD Big Mac.picture taken from google image bcoz m not rely thinkin bot othr things when eatin.

i do enjoyed my meal..but not in a peaceful mood, bcoz there's a group of alien sittin at d corner makin terrible,annoyin, irritatin @#$%* sound. they chat usin alien language which is sounds unfimiliar to my human ears.they wear weird outfit, looks like a long skirt & a necktie..they act like they were in their own lair, ignoring their surrounding & makin alot of fuss. which made me kinda..piss off... and ofcoz other customers too.

so then, soon after the alien were gone *thankgod* there's a guy approachin my table. he show me a small card sayin "saya adalah bisu dan pekak secara semulajadi" so i tot ia ani minta sdkah, so i fetch a $1 dollar bill, he refused it. then he show the other side of the card sayin "rantai hp 1 $6 2 $10".ooo ahaha somehow i felt guilty for my action earlier. he then show me a various kinds of beautiful hp chains . in the end i bought 2 and only paired hp chains. i fell in love with it at first sight .

Sunday, 9 May 2010

my last day of revision.7-8/5/10

usul ku revise ni tym peksa,ani pun ujg2 last2 kn abis mun nda dlm bilik gnya ku mbca.ani kn mrasai gnya cna rasa mbca d common room ani aha,lagi siuk bekon sma wave.
around pukul 2 am. durg bjln bunjar mkn d tamu slera,tggllh aku sorang..awal2 naku ingau,psl aku mlyt 'ip man2',lyn punya lyn smpai abis ceta alum jo mulih2nya durg ani,jd tukg mnunggui laptop plg nah.

boring punya psl smbil2 mbaca smbil2 main plurk ahah :p yth pslnya masa atu plurk ku skjp2 b update psl m jobless n boring msa atu

ps: siuk bljr d common room ani gnya yg ku nda thn ada c 'dgn' lintas2 dpn diri..tau ya diri nda bdgn atu yth ya kn mdgni x. ku hargai plg tu niat murni nya atu gnya next tym tima ksih ja lh, ahaha bek ku sorg2 nda bdgn lagi ku slesa mbaca.