My Beautiful Life

Thursday, 8 March 2012

The Book. THINK BIG??

This book was recommended by a friend, so i thought i'm gonna give it a try. firstly i download it tru internet as an E-book like he did, but days goes by i still havent read a page of it. then comes yesterday's evening, he received a txt msg from 'Times Square's Best Eastern Bookstore' saying that his order has arrived (he ordered this book from the store before he download it from the internet). upon hearing from him that he didnt need it anymore, i told him that i would like to have it, so i did. i fetch it today's afternoon from the bookstore for BND$23.80, not bad for the price of a beneficial book rather than buying a novel.

why did i buy the book when the free downloaded E-book in my laptop stays unclicked? . reason?

for me watching laptop monitor filled with only words is kind of depressing, with an access to browse the internet(facebook, youtube, plurk, twitter, etc) it turns into distraction, i cant focus on reading. a mobile computer as laptop, mobility is an issue compared to a pocket book, i cant read it while on bed, anywhere or whenever i feel i wanted to.

i can give as many excuses as i want, but i think the main problem is motivation. the lack of motivation to read the book. i have it by free,people tend to dis-appreciate things they gained for free, things they gain without losing something. so i set it in my mind "i spent money on this book. if i dont read it, it's a loss".

reading a few pages from this book somehow made me think, what make us different from those who succeed in life?. why they can make it? how about me?. i cant tell u much of the content yet but this book looks promising. i'm looking forward to finish reading it =)

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